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Hello. I'm interested in the graphics of the game. Don't want to sell? I would buy. Except for the characters.

Здравствуйте, игра замечательная. Сказочная, красивая головоломка, то что я и искала для своего сына. Спасибо) Но есть вопросы: почему-то у нас на пк не запускается совместный режим, хотя в настройках выбираем контроллеры и два геймпада подсоеденены. Как это можно исправить? Ребенок просит играть вместе) И второй вопрос, есть ли сохранение в игре?

can't get it to launch. tried the zip & through the itch app. 


Why don`t you bring the game to Steam??

i swear if i could i would donate like a 100 bucks os more but i dont have a credit card or paypal


This is a beautiful game. The jumping is a little finicky. I do wish I could just cycle through the characters instead of having them assigned to specific directions, but otherwise its great. Lovely atmosphere, and music. 

A beautiful game. Loved the aesthetics and the retro vibe (reminded us of Lost Vikings nd Botanicula - and that is a good thing). We had some trouble with Brick, he would get stuck easily and even freeze sometimes... But all in all it was a lot of fun.

Hi there.

I played your game and I was pleasently surprised. Though I gave some criticism about it in my video. If your interested then you can find my video below.


You can play online using parsec, its a free tool that makes local coop games playable online

Can i play online and how ?

Love this game, should be ported to Mobile Android

Nice game, i love it.

I like the artwork and the concept. Character movement needs some refinement. I found all of them frustrating to control. There seem to be many ways to get them stuck in places with no way out. I don't know if I didn't hit a checkpoint but G wasn't bringing them anywhere. I could see this being pretty enjoyable with some more polish.

Great game love it so colourful and charming keep up the great work.  

a little gameplay right here

i dont really how to finish some puzzle

I keep on getting stuck and having an oversight on these puzzles. Sometimes with the rock/earth element one, I end up having him stuck in a situation because im dumb and i didn't put the rock down. Is there a way you can fix this. I mean, you don't have to, maybe it's just me who's dumb at puzzles. You don't have dumb down the game for ppl like me lmao


I'm not sure I understand how exactly you get stuck. You can press G (or Y on the xbox controller) to call all the characters to checkpoint. Perhaps that might help?

Deleted 4 years ago

Thank you!


There Graphics are on point, the idea and concept are great. the way you built the platform is incredible. My only issue came when I was trying to switch between elements. I was able to do it once but not when i needed to again. Ultimately that was part of the reason why i quit and only did ten mins. I love the game and idea though. Great job

Hi! Thanks so much for playing!

Strange, the character switching works just fine when I tested it. All the characters have their own slots on the D-pad. Did you press down to choose Dewy (the water guy) and right to choose Ember (fire guy)?

Yeah the xbox controller controls can be a bit... challenging when using Ember. The keyboard might be a bit easier if you want to give it another try :)

Thank you for your kind words though. They mean a lot.

Ya not a problem man. The game is awesome in general. I think im going to use the keyboard the next go round